Poor little blog. I haven't been giving you the love you deserve.
I'm still trying to settle in and deal with the emotional side of this whole moving affair, but I did finally manage to list some new items in my shop, which I am very pleased about. I still have a fair amount more to list on Etsy, and some to move over to Artfire, so that should keep me busy-ish. I have some things to photograph as well.
I'm considering doing home parties. Has anyone tried this? Could be fun once in a while.
Recently my dad and I went on a tour of historic Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland. It's an amazing place, and I have already listed one photo from the day. You guys just got a sneak peek of another one before it's listed!
Also be on the look out for Sugared Raspberry Lip Balm in pretty little pink compacts. :)
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