I just love this soap. It started as a custom order for my dad (who I have successfully hooked on my soaps so he no longer uses that awful store bought detergent stuff), and I made a few extra bars. I'm trying to put more "manly" products in my store, as well as offering fragrance oil free items. This soap contains powdered nutmeg for color (with a touch of turmeric sprinkled on top) as well as the exfoliating poppy seeds. It has the slightest touch of spicy scent to it, but I left it otherwise unscented. Great for guys as well as the ladies, this goat's milk soap is nice and gentle.
I will be listing it for sale in my shop soon!
On a more personal note, I have come to face one of the single hardest choices I've had to make in my life up to this point. I had really hoped the outcome would be different, but my hand has almost been forced in the matter. This is going to make life very...interesting...(and hard) so please be patient with me while I figure out what in the world I'm going to do next (and how I'm going to survive).
(This has been edited. I goofed and listed the soap as olive oil when it's actually goat's milk. My apologies!)